Firewire ExpressCard Host Adapter
Abocom E94B 1394 800 Mbps Express Card
The E94B is a 1394B/FireWire
Host Adapter for Multimedia Application, which is specifically designed
to plug into a desktop or laptop equipped with an ExpressCard slot. The
E94B also provide 1394B/FireWire functionality to your legacy Windows
machine with a simple 1394/FireWire adapter Expresscard you plug into an
available Expresscard slot.The E94B are two external 1394A/FireWire
ports that can support dozens of 1394A/FireWire devices like video
cameras, hard drives, and CDR-W devices and a single Expresscard Port
that will allow you to plug into a desktop or laptop equipped with
Expresscard slot .
The E94B supports up to 63
devices chained together and multimedia isochronous application (Audio
and video applications require a guaranteed isochronous delivery of data
to prevent delayed or out-of-order frames. 1394A/FireWire did that, and
did it better than USB 2.0 ) .
Compliant with ExpressCard standard
> Compliant with PCI Express V1.0a
> Support IEEE1394-1995, IEEE std 1394a-2000
> Fully Support provisions of IEEE P1394B Revision 1.33 at 1G signaling
> Fully Interoperabal with Firewire, i.Link and SB1394
Fully Compliant With 1394 OHCI V1.1
> TI 1394B OHCI Controller
> Provide Two Fully Backward Compatible , (
1394a-2000 Fully Compliant ) and Billingual P1394b Cable Port at up to
800 Mbps
> Interoperable With Other 1394 Device
> Data Transfer Rate up to 2.5Gbps Expresscard Link
Speed and up to 800 Mpbs IEEE1394b transfer rate
> Standard: IEEE std 1394a-2000 and IEEE std 1394-1995 and IEEE P1394B
Expresscard standard V1.0
Full x1 PCI Express V1.0a
Through Put Max 800Mbps
> Host Interface: High-power ExpressCard Socket powered from PC system.
No external power needed. Suspend power saving mode supported
> Dimensions: 54mm(W) x 108mm(D) x 5 mm (H)
> EMC Certification FCC Part 15B in US, CE EN55022/EN55024
> Supported Operating System: Windows 98SE, ME, XP and Windows 2000,
Apple Mac OS 8.6 or above ( including OS X and beyond)