Fingerprint Reader
Eikon II + TrueSuite Premium for Mac
Add the
convenience and security of the Eikon II with TrueSuite to your Mac
Mac Log On: Easily logon and prevent unauthorized access to
your Mac desktop. Supports logon, sleep and screen lock.
Website Log On: Use your fingerprint to log on to your
favorite websites so you don't have to remember your passwords.
Supports Safari, Firefox and Chrome.
QuickLaunch: One swipe of your finger launches news,
sports, and your social life. Use different fingers to launch
different sites!
Secure Preference System Authentication: Replace your
passwords with fingerprint authentication when changing secure
system preferences such as FileVault, Parental Controls, etc.
Fast User Switching: Quickly switch user desktops and logon
with the swipe of a finger.
Software update: Checks for updates to your software,
always keeping you up to date.