Computer Switching Power Supply 150x86x140mm ATX 200W
Dell DPS-200PB-146 B Rev.: 02 P/N P0304 A01 DPN 0P0304 A01 Delta
Electronics UL E131881
SKU# 135144
- Description: Computer
Switching Power Supply 150x86x140mm ATX 200W Dell DPS-200PB-146 B
Rev.: 02 P/N P0304 A01 DPN 0P0304 A01 Delta Electronics UL E131881
SKU# 135144
- Manufacturer: Delta
Electronics Inc.
- Brand or Distributor:
Delta / Dell
- Model:
- Dell DPS-200PB-146 B
Rev.: 02
- Dell P/N P0304 A01
- Dell DPN 0P0304 A01
- Delta Electronics UL
- Dimension: ( WxHxL):
- 150 x 86 x 140 mm
- 5.91 x 3.39 x 5.51
- 5-29/32 x 3-3/8 x
5-1/2 inch
- Max Power Rating: 200W
- Connectors:
- 1x 20-pin Main
Connector (P1)
- 1x 4-pin P4 12V (P2)
- 5x 4-pin IDE
Peripheral Power (P3, P5, P6, P8, P9)
- 1x 4-pin Floppy Power
- Overall Wire Length:
- 12 inch (Wire #1)
- Power Supply to 20-pin
Main Connector (P1)
- 12 inch (Wire #2)
- Power Supply
to 4-pin P4 12V (P2)
- 24 inch (Wire #3)
- 21 inch - Power Supply
to IDE Peripheral Power (P3)
- 2-1/2 inch -
IDE Peripheral Power (P3) to IDE Peripheral Power (P5)
- 24 inch (Wire #3)
- 21 inch - Power Supply
to IDE Peripheral Power (P8)
- 2-1/2 inch -
IDE Peripheral Power (P8) to IDE Peripheral Power (P9)
- 25 inch (Wire #4)
- 21 inch - Power Supply to
IDE Peripheral Power (P6)
- 2-1/2 inch -
IDE Peripheral Power (P6) to Floppy Power (P7)
- Weight: 3 lb 2 oz
(estimated shipping weight 5 lbs)
- Condition:
(Subject to Inventory)
- SKU#
135144N -
- SKU#
135144P -
For Parts
or Not Working
- SKU#
135144S -
Open Box Sample / New, may have signs of cosmetic wear
- SKU#
135144U -
Used, may have signs of cosmetic wear.
- Package: Non-retail
packaging, in unprinted reused box or plastic bag.
- For use with or
pulled from: (for
reference only)
- Pulled from
Dell Dimension 8200 Computer.
- Serial
Number available or sold:
CN-0P0304-17972-43O-9VOB-A01 Used (Sample Picture)