AC-to-AC Power Adapter
Plug-in Transformers with Thermal Cut-Out
Honeywell HPT Series

Part Numbers:

> HPT1220 -> 12VAC 20VA
> HPT1620 -> 16VAC 20VA
> HPT1640 -> 16VAC 40VA
> HPT2420 -> 24VAC 20VA
> HPT2440 -> 24VAC 40VA
> HPT2450 -> 24VAC 50VA

Features & Spec.:
> Input 115VAC 60Hz
> Built-in thermal protection
> Operating temperature range: –4F to +95F (–20C to +35C), indoor use only
> HPT Series mounts to a standard wall outlet with a screwdown tab
> HPT Series dimensions: approx. 2.5˝ x 2.2˝ x 4.0˝ (6.35m x 55.9m x 101.6m)
> HP2412IL8 is an in-line unit with flying leads
> Open-frame transformers can be used to increase the current of the HPTV power supplies