Power Internal Cable -
Mother Board EPS12V Power Adapter
2x IDE Peripheral Power 4-Pin 3-Conductor DC12V to
4.2mm Pitch 8-Pin 8-Wire Male Connector Molex Mini Fit Jr. Compatible
SKU# 220808A
- Description:
Power Internal Cable - Mother Board EPS12V Power Adapter, 2x IDE
Peripheral Power 4-Pin 3-Conductor DC12V to 4.2mm Pitch 8-Pin 8-Wire
Male Connector Molex Mini Fit Jr. Compatible SKU# 220808A
- Manufacturer:
Not Specified
- Brand or Distributor: Unbranded
- SKU# 220808A
- Connectors:
- 2x
IDE Peripheral Power 4-Pin & 3-Conductor DC 12V
1x 4.20mm Pitch 8-Pin 8-Wire Male Connector Molex Mini Fit Jr.
- Wire Length: 4 inch Overall
- Weight: 0.7 oz (estimated shipping
weight 3 oz)
- Condition: New
- Packaging: Non-retail packaging, in
unprinted reused box or plastic bag.
- For use with or pulled from: (for
reference only):