AC Power
NEMA 1-15P (IEC Type A Plug) / IEC C7 (C7PW) Polarized Non-Standard One Squared Side
- Description: AC
Power Cord NEMA
1-15P (IEC Type A Plug) / IEC C7 (C7PW) Polarized Non-Standard One Squared Side
- Manufacturer:
Not Specified
- Brand or
Distributor: Unbranded
- SKU# 191204b06
- Connector:
- NEMA 1-15P (IEC
Type A Plug) Queen Puo QP-01
- IEC C7 (C7PW)
- Wire Length:
6 ft
- Weight: 3.2 oz
(estimated shipping weight 6 oz)
- Condition:
(subject to inventory)
- Package: Non-retail
packaging, in unprinted box or plastic bag.
- Used in: (for reference only,
info source IEC
International Electrotechnical Commission)
- American Samoa, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas,
Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, British Virgin Islands,
Cambodia, Canada, Cayman Islands, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guam, Guatemala, Guyana,
Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Japan.
- American plug's
Neutral Pin is wider than the live pin.
- Japanese plug's
Neutral Pin is identical to the live pin.
- As a result, Japanese
plugs can be used in the US but often not the other way around.