VCM / CMC to CRT Monitor & Audio Amplifier
for Commodore VIC-20 C64 Home Computer
5-Pin DIN Male to 4 Coax AV RCA Male Connectors
6FT SKU# 115152A
- Description:
VCM / CMC to CRT Monitor & Audio Amplifier Cable for Commodore
VIC-20 C64 Home Computer 5-Pin DIN Male to 4 Coax AV RCA Male
Connectors 6FT SKU# 115152A
- Manufacturer:
MSD Micro Systems Development, Inc.
- Brand Name or
MSD / Commodore
- Model:
SKU# 115152A
- Connectors:
1x 5-Pin DIN Male
4x Coax AV RCA Male Connectors
- Overall Length:
6 FT
- Condition:
Open Box, not been used.
- Weight: 3.4 oz
(Estimated Shipping
Weight 8 oz)
- Package: Non-retail
Packaging, in Unprinted Reused Box or Plastic Bag.
- For use with or
pulled from: (for reference only)
allows th user to connect the VIC or the Commodore 64 into a CRT
Monitor. The audio can be used directly in come monitor which have
an audio plug or the unit can be used in conjunction with an
ordinary amplifier.